Before the concert actually takes place, I wanted to say a few words about new music on campus. I've been fortunate to work with a group of people that are, without exception, very excited and very enthusiastic about new music. As a composer, this is a huge relief - we have all been to rehearsals that feel like pulling teeth, and my experience with this group has been one of sheer joy and unbridled enthusiasm. I want to list all the performers below and mention that, as composers, we are forever indebted to these people that take hours and hours of their life to perfect that which we ask of them - and to those who put their musical reputations on the line to perform our music, to speak with our voice. Thank you all:
Emma Shubin, Katie Bloise, Paul Farus, Neal Postma, Tyler Sherban, Kristi Kilgore, Greg Simon, Max Ripple, Anthony Green, Filip Lazovski, Sam Gathman, Anne Ristorcelli, Lexi Massey, and our ever-vigilant conductor Stephanie Texara.